Happy hearts day, Dear!

Feburary 14, 2018 Gone are those days when you would send me flowers in the office, or surprise me when I wake up with a breakfast in bed, whenever valentines day come. This sounds awful, right? Well, not really. LOVE is not celebrated on Valentines Day only. LOVE is celebrated everyday. A kiss in my forehead whenever we part from work means so much to me. It's a reminder of our love for each other. It's a reminder of the vow we made from seven years ago. I may not tell you this everyday, but I do love you every second of everyday. I treasure every moments together. Those moments when you get to fetch me from work and we have our alone time together. Talking just about anything - our goals in life, plans for our family....Arguing over what's more important- financial stability or significance in life? This got me thinking and I know that I'm so focused about our financial goals that sometimes I'm forgetting to live life. I easily get angry whenever ...