Everyday is a new cupcake recipe day! And today, I will share with you my Dark Bottom Cupcake recipe. Also named as Black bottom cupcake or chocolate surprise cupcake or you can call it whatever you want to call it. You see, I didn't study baking or had a formal course with baking. I learned to cook and bake on my own through YouTube and google. Whenever I want to cook something, I just grab on my laptop or my mobile phone to search on the food I want to cook. I use YouTube if it's my first time to make it, but I'm using google more just to get the recipe. It's my first time to make this but not my first time to bake cupcakes, so I'm going for google this time. I downloaded the "all recipes" app so I can just search whatever I want to bake right directly on the app. So guys, here goes my recipe for "Dark Bottom Cupcake" which I got from allrecipes.com. Ingredients: 1 package cream cheese 1 egg 1/3 cup white suga...